Abortion-Regrets-Healings 墮胎後悔恨記

Abortion Regrets Healings Prayer :

Pray for your deceased baby in heaven.   Give the baby a name you aborted him or her by weakness mistakenly years ago.   Through your prayer to FORGIVE YOURSELF FIRST and bless the baby in the name of Jesus Christ. By faith The Almighty Lord would take your baby’s soul and hug him/her and love him/her dearly in heaven eternally.   You will see him or her while you meet Jesus JOYFULLY.   Your sorrow and regrets to be submitted wholly through Christ Salvation.   The C R O S S only.   Now is to be a good steward to live in a Christ-Like life. “While Waiting Upon The Lord + Seeking Christ Kingdom First”

No Need To Force Yourself Doing Good Deed nor Big Task For Others beyond your ability.   Just relax enjoying Heavenly Father’s Love and Submit Your Brokenness To Our Precious Friend Jesus Christ.   That Is It !!   All The Regrets You Had Made He had known before you were in mother’s womb.   The First Step Of Healing Is To “FORGIVE YOURSELF.” STOP CONDEMNING YOURSELF AGAIN AND AGAIN.   Bless you to start a sunshine life full of Faith,   Hope and Love.  Enjoy everyday Sun Or Rain.  Stop Cursing Yourself.

(Note: English is my second language, welcome you go contact form to correct my writing. I will revise the sentences.)


為你過逝的寶寶禱告。 先給寶寶取個名字再承認你過去的錯誤與愧疚。 通過你的禱告先原諒你自己,奉  基督耶穌的名為過逝的寶寶祝福祈求。因著信心,在基督裡,全能的   上帝會接受寶寶的靈魂,在天堂的永恆裡擁抱著你的寶寶,也深深地愛撫著你的寶寶, 因為  天父聽取所有母親的祈禱,或許你也會夢見你的寶寶, 進一步獲得安慰。  幾年後,當你遇見耶穌時,你會高興地看到你的寶寶在天家的永恆裡, 和你在一起永永遠遠,因為  上帝與你同在。 請將你的悲傷與悔恨透過聖靈的禱告放在 天父恩手裡,你的靈裡將得到醫治。  在十字架寶血的救贖恩典下, 你現在開始要成為一個在基督裡的好管家好好的過生活。  “在等待基督耶穌再來的日子裡 + 先求上帝的國和上帝的義”

你也沒有必要強迫自己做很多的好事,也不要為別人承擔沉重的包袱 “不要替人作保” 勇敢地說不, 拒絕答應做超出你能力的事情。只要放鬆享受 天父的愛過日子,並將您破碎的生命交託給我們最珍貴的朋友耶穌基督。沒必要去取悅人,討人的喜歡,但憑著信心討 神的喜悅,信靠和服順,這就對了 !與此同時,請加入當地正統基督教會活動,團契

所有以前的錯誤,悔恨,遺憾的傷口,神知道。第一步治療是“原諒自己。通過你的禱告先原諒你自己 ”不要總是一地直責怪你自己,請現在就開始停止自我譴責”。

願 神祝福你, 在基督裡開始一個新的陽光燦爛的生活充滿了信心,希望和愛直到主再來。 享受日常的陽光或雨水。 停止詛咒自己.  下次再見。

(注:我不會打中文,但使用翻譯,發布文章,如有錯誤,請聯繫我糾正。 謝謝)

Share your Abortion Stories  journey with us to help young women. Abortion is not the solution  分享你的墮胎故事心路旅程,幫助他人不要墮胎,尤其是年輕女性

Did you feel any guilt after having the abortion ?

Was it against your conscience when you decided to have the abortion ?

Did it have any effects on your mentally ?

When did you change your mind about abortion ?

How do you feel about abortion now ?

If you could go back and tell yourself something before having an abortion what would you say ?

Abortion is wrong !

Abortion hurts women !


當你決定做墮胎人流的時候, 你的良心是不是有對你說話?




如果你能從頭開始回到墮胎之前, 你會告訴自己什麼?



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